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This essay was one that I had written my junior year of high school in the first official composition class I had ever taken. In order for us to get to know each other better as a class, the teacher assigned us a partner and we were supposed to interview them about a specific topic in their life. Therefore, the purpose of this specific assignment was to inform the rest of the class about the individual we interviewed. I think that this affected the way I wrote a little bit because the whole class was the audience and it was not just the teacher. I think this also affected how much detail Sophia went into during our interview. It is always a little hard to present something to peers because personally I do not like being judged a whole lot. I have learned that people are always going to judge, good or bad, and that should have little effect on how I write. The genre of this paper was a biography because we interviewed our partner then wrote about them without any input from them. I do not really think that I put much thought into stance when writing this paper. There was not really a side to argue. It was more just presenting facts to the class. I could have used more non-verbal communication in my presentation for this paper such as gestures. The media I used was verbal communication. The media was also print because I had a typed "script" in a sense.